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peace are you there?

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peace are you there? Empty peace are you there?

Post by happy Thu Aug 07, 2008 2:40 pm

to make the chat rooms peaceful mig33 started admin system many days ago. many admins demoted, many resigned and many new admin selected. i like to know from you all, is mig33 chat rooms peaceful than before? what change you feel after the admin system introduced?
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peace are you there? Empty Re: peace are you there?

Post by Roma-_ Thu Aug 07, 2008 10:01 pm

well honestly speaking
i can't feel much difference
admins have another status ... we say admins and normal users are equal but no there's a huge difference .. one holds a responsibility so everyone runs after admins to befriend them and chat to them knowing they are popular and through those admins we call ourselves with proud to be admins friends ... and some users i know befriend admins just to get closer to them and then ask them to recommend ...
admin system didnt change the way of chatiing in the chatrooms
day by day multi kicking ids are increased .... when multikicker is in the room they dont stay there for more than ten minutes and multi kicker dont enter while those admins are in action
i do not blame admins because i know that they work hard ... me being a normal user can hardly control my phone when there's a tons of flooding ... users day by day are coming up with new horrible softwares and admins are supposed to not use them
admins are peace makers but when they leave the room there's a huge wave of abusing behind that we have to face ...
i dont even know if paki admins actually exist ... they enter and leave kicking one multi id and the multi kicker leaves quick so the admin does ... then the same milti kicker comes and abuses each and every user including that admin
i hope i am not going off topic ... just wanted to say what i felt
mig33 has more then 100000 users .. and only 50+ admins
how can we expect admins to just be alert everytime .. they have their own life to go on with .. studies ... family ... everything . yet we expect them to always be there when we want ....
how we get irritated when somebudy floods or applies dc codes in our windows ? being a normal user we cant handle this but we still expect them to just hit the goal
well i think that admins didnt come up with a great change in mig33
it was before that way and still its the same
even worse than before ... i think there's a secret fight going on between multikickers.abusers,flooders and admins which they show in the chatrooms by flooding , kicking , and abusing
using different softwares to defeat admins ...
any ways i dont think this multi kicking and abusing will ever end up
unless mi33 team makes out a way to this

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peace are you there? Empty Re: peace are you there?

Post by stimulus Fri Aug 08, 2008 3:35 am

i don't think there is much change.. actually before the admin system
we, as normal mig users, were much likely to kick out a flooder or
abuser as a team..
there was team spirit and we would all feel so proud of our selves for
keeping our room safe and clean.. but off course you cant compare
those days to now.. it's just not logical..
i believe in evolution.. in change.. and from then till now mig and
especially the softwares have undergone a huge change.. before the
admin system were there any of the problems that we face today ???
this flooding that would freeze your phone or kicking before you even
blink your eye.. they never existed before the admin sysytem.. and yes
one can question and argue that has the admin system actually intiated
the creation of these softs ..but
mig has simply catered for this change by introducing admins...
exclude admins from the equation and then what are you left with ??
evolution of the so called " multikicker"or "flooder".. with the occasional upgrade of mig33 itself..

now from being the peace maker the admin has turned into a super saiyan
warrior with no weapons... lol, the cop with a "pellet gun" sent to take out
the Italian mafia.

peace are you there? 15759x11

mig has made an attempt to stop the multi kicking by charging for a kick.. but even that concept is questioned and said to be a money making scheme..

so finally i think the only ones we can turn to and look upon with even the tiniest
shred of hope is the mig33 team.. . they need to
figure a way to make this all stop.. wake up, smell the coffee and see
which group of users are making the best of the "kick option"

some of you might feel that the admins make things worse.. lets
call their introduction to mig "a desperate attempt to eradicate the wrong doers..."
and cut em some slack Wink

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peace are you there? Empty Re: peace are you there?

Post by anthromorphic Fri Aug 08, 2008 8:39 am

well i agree with the point of view of u two in varying degrees.lol
roma presented the view of a common or ordinary user while stimulus that of a mig administrator.

i would say nothing more than what has been already said before by roma. well, roma, u are right that this recommendation system has done no good.
but i dont agree with u when u said that they are busy at times and that they have personal lives. especially in the case of paki rooms.usually there are two or three 'problem' rooms and there are three or four admins for all paki rooms. then why they cant manage it/if they ahve the will to do it.
i know that new softwares have compounded the whole thing but with little will these "few"admins can do wonders.lolz
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peace are you there? Empty Re: peace are you there?

Post by happy Fri Aug 08, 2008 4:38 pm

fortuner wrote:Roma bro or sister ruined everything by posting a reply that is so
contrdictory and chidish
she is sister. bro if you do read the topic carefully and if you've little idea about mig33 then you will not get a singal line of her post not related with the topic.

fortuner wrote: that the best place for it is the dustbin laughing

its will be perfect for your post bro. don't misunderstand me.. said the truth.

fortuner wrote:this is not a post by a moderator but someone who dont know what to say and how to say it.is it supposed to be a serious opinion or a funny
peice by some child?

bro its a post by moderator. do not compare with anybody. i know she replyed as friends reply and thats what we want in a forum. we think all are friends here. if you talk about her reply then i must say it was the best reply for the topic.

fortuner wrote:the owner of the forum should take this forum seriously because it looks that he dont choose quality when giving users titles: 😆 :

bro i think the moderator you're indicating is the best moderator of this forum. she is just too good to catch her thoughts for a normal user like you and me.

fortuner wrote:what is the purpose of this in the topic?u trying to show that you know about this?its not related to anything Shocked

bro this are the changes after the admin system introduced. don't be so fool bro. i asked two question in this topic. this was the answer of my second question.
fortuner wrote:what action?
it mean when the admin start trying to stop abusers.

fortuner wrote:why multi kickers dont stay for more than ten minutes?and if multi kickers dont enter when administrator is there than administartor system is working.
you misunderstand the word "system" bro. we're talking about peace in mig33 not about a room or a certain time. it works only when there is an admin in the room but think overal there is no peace.

fortuner wrote: why say this?

i can't feel much difference

You may ask the question if she wrote "i can't feel any different" but she wrote "i can't feel much different" because she can feel some different. abusing in mig33 not being reduce. its still as it was or maybe much then before.
fortuner wrote:and this

admin system didnt change the way of chatiing in the chatrooms

I can't understand why you quoted this lines. isn't it looking funny and childish as you said.

fortuner wrote:
admins are peace makers but when they leave the room there's a huge wave of abusing behind that we have to face ...

again you are admiting that they make a difference when they are in room Shocked and that when there is no administrator, the room looks so bad. Shocked

it looks bad because of the admin system bro. if any abuser be kicked by an admin then he try to take revenge by doing slang, flood. we normal users suffering for that because admin do not stay in room much. they are just trying to solve the problems arised because of themselves.

fortuner wrote:and you youself explain that they are not to be blamed for that
who're blaming them bro? is it your thinking about this topic that we're blaming admin?
fortuner wrote:can u just think before posting. you wasting our time by reading all your post that is filled with nothing.what is your point?
thanks to make my work easy bro. i was to ask you the same question.
fortuner wrote:you dont blame administrators and still you are not satisfied Shocked
exactly bro. Because she is thinking about admin system not about the admins.
fortuner wrote: you say when they are in room flooding and kicking stop and then you start with saying that that dont make a difference?
this are the lines showing clearly that you misunderstood her. she never said that admin system don't make a difference. she said not "much"
fortuner wrote: Shocked how old are you?  :laughing:
check her profile bro.
fortuner wrote:i dont understand what are said in there Shocked

better read again and again until you understand bro.

fortuner wrote:if there is a fight then administrators are doing their work.

bro this type of fighting is not the work of admin. they are there to save users. not to making the mig33 chat rooms their play ground.
fortuner wrote:but how you can say that they show their secret fight by flooding kicking and abusing and using different softwares? Shocked

in this lines the word "they"=abusers
fortuner wrote:how can one control his phone? what you mean by that:shock: what is with this leaving and entering sentence?what you said in that Shocked
i'm feeling shame to answer this type of valueless questions.
fortuner wrote:roma moderator, i think that next time you should try to write your post in english language laughing
is it your typing mistake bro? maybe you were writting about your local language in place of english.

fortuner wrote:an advice please follow it.dont try to write long posts again.i mean never ever
why bro.. because you can't understand?
i've a request to site admin is.. please do not lock the topic just because of a nonsense user attacking on a moderator. i can see clearly its an attempt to lock the topic. please delete the post if it is meaningless or edit the post. thanks
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peace are you there? Empty Re: peace are you there?

Post by riz Fri Aug 08, 2008 11:04 pm

whenever we try to make peace. Trouble appears instead of peace.

happy, we dont lock any topic until n unless it goes totally offtopic and dosnt help no more to make sense.

we always talk about freedom of speech over here so we like to keep a topic continue so that each n every one can comment on it.

But those who dont even understand what is the meaning of freedom of speech, who appear to be picking on others by harsh comment which doesnt relate to the topic get warned for breaching forum rules. we allow users to debate until n unless they attack some one personally what fortuner has done with roma.

fortuner she is a moderator of this site that doesnt mean she has no right to express her opinion.she is allowed to express her opinion about the topic like any one else. the author happy introduced topic asking a question after introducing admin system if mig33 chat room peaceful than before or it didnt make any diference. and the the participant of this topic are supposed to answer this question by expressing their own point of view. But in your lengthy post you didn have nothing related to the topic. You were just attacking roma. roma and her thread are not topic.

even roma were a normal user of this forum i would have told you same as above.

Now a warning goes to you for being rude to a forum moderator. You are not to advice what a moderator is supposed to do. she knows much more better the forum rules than you. hope you will mind your post next time. and Read the forum rules carefully once again.

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peace are you there? Empty Re: peace are you there?

Post by Roma-_ Fri Aug 08, 2008 11:54 pm

lol its the first time i am seeing someone attacking on me whether its personal or a forum issue ....
well my post was not at all childish fortuner guess you used sixty years old specs to look at it lol
and by the way just reffer a single line which is off topic or not related to the question that HAPPY asked
the author of the post says that what i have written is the best reply to his questions
what did you find so odd that others didnt find fortuner i'd love to know bro
i havent seen you much on the forum and you say that my replies contain one sentence lol meanwhile i ask users to debate and give strong comments
you have problem with my short replies and then you say i must not reply too long
what do you actually want me to do ?
no more comments on your post because i find it useless and meaningless
onething more ... may be in saudi arabia you guys use another local english thats the reason you couldnt join my lines together
read them carefully and i hope you won't be harsh on me Very Happy
about my topic going off ... look at yours first ...not even a single word reffers to the actuall topic .. and dont say moderator moderator ... i am just a normal user who wants to help the forum members if they face any problems
i think you should have opened a new thread to attack on me instead of making users see something else inside after the title of the thread
i hope you got my english this time or may be you should find a good english teacher to take english classes
no hard feelings for anyone ... enjoy

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peace are you there? Empty Re: peace are you there?

Post by fortuner Mon Aug 11, 2008 9:29 am

i'm sorry that my words sounded harsh but waT about the idea of my post? i apologise for my hard words. Pls don’t ignore the points raised by me. I am reading the second reply of roma,it looks like that the first reply was not written by her.
my post was not off the topic.I'm new and i wanted to know wat are the views of old users and roma's reply was so disorganized and so self-contradictory that i had to write my views.Is there someone who'd discuss the points raised in my post except my language?
i again say sorry for making u all feel bad. i'd be careful next time.But i still stand by my views. Read roma's first post and you'd see.
she saying one thing then later in posts she says something which is against first thing that she said. she is saying sky is blue at the begginning then saying sky is green at the end
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peace are you there? Empty Re: peace are you there?

Post by riz Mon Aug 11, 2008 10:16 am

fortuner this is your final chance.

in next attempt u will be banned right away.

u've been breaching forum rules since you've joined.

we'd like you to stay in the topic.

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peace are you there? Empty Re: peace are you there?

Post by vinay Mon Aug 11, 2008 12:33 pm

We are chatroom moderators.
As you know, An admin takes minimum 1 second to kick a user, If he is using backroom or 3rd party software (Because there is no invisible entry option)
But nowadays, users can leave the room in 1/2 second Shocked So is it our fault if we miss these users ? You ppl take it as we are supporting multikickers.
Increasing number of admins is not the solution I think, Mig33 has to add more security like users of a chatroom can't leave the chatroom for 10 to 20 seconds when an admin enters.
If we are NOT ABLE TO KICK these fast kickers or flooder than you better blame Mig33 Team.
I agree with Roma that admins are normal users and almost their friends (except old friends) are admin aspirants.If mig33 recruits 1000 more admins, I bet they will not be able to stop those fast flooder and multikickers.

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peace are you there? Empty Re: peace are you there?

Post by Roma-_ Mon Aug 11, 2008 10:59 pm

oopssss ... guy is in action again ...
well man i dont know what to sy to you ...
now you trying to turn the things to nowhere lol
both the replies are from me and in the other reply i never wrote a single thing about my first reply ... sky is always blue .. check your specs plzzzzzzzzz
and there's a huge difference in ur and my age .. i am 20 and u r 28 .. ur way of thinking is different and my way of thingking is different and according to u CHILDISH lol
will you please read other replies too ?? or you used a microscope to read mine laughing
anyways no more discussion needed ..

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peace are you there? Empty Re: peace are you there?

Post by happy Mon Aug 11, 2008 11:18 pm

vinay wrote: is it our fault if we miss these users ?
the only fault admins did is asking permission to use third party software. they may give you an special version but now why should they? you got what you asked.

vinay wrote:users of a chatroom can't leave the chatroom for 10 to 20 seconds when an admin enters.
i asked the question many time why you need the user in the room for 20sec? but strange nobody answered me! its a good idea but that not mean perfect for all. why should i suffer for an abuser? what about the prepaid users? when kicking a multi kicker you just need his id but why you want the user in the room? can't you kick him if you get his id in the room?
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peace are you there? Empty Re: peace are you there?

Post by Kanishka_max Mon Aug 11, 2008 11:28 pm

vinay wrote:As you know, An admin takes minimum 1 second to kick a user, If he is using backroom or 3rd party software (Because there is no invisible entry option)
But nowadays, users can leave the room in 1/2 second Shocked
Actually vinay bro admins can do better than that.
As i know, The user should not be in the room to get kicked when an admin kick a user.
(as an example, u get the kik list when im in the room, but even if im left you can kick me because im in your list and also you are an admin.)
Thats why some admins kick some abuseres five or six times at once.
I hope you know the technique.
Actually im not talking about opera mini. think something above it. Twisted Evil
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peace are you there? Empty Re: peace are you there?

Post by dadutum Thu Aug 21, 2008 1:23 am

I think after many admins get demoted and some are resigned and new admins got selected.thatz good.i think they are doing there job in better way.i think mig33 selecting such hardworking adminz and about maintaining peace in chat rooms.well let me tel u eac coin has two faces head and tail.same way there is advantage and disadvantage here.so i think mig33 is maintaining peace by selecting new admins.
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