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30 GB MAIL inbox

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30 GB MAIL inbox Empty 30 GB MAIL inbox

Post by tears_of_cry Tue Jul 24, 2007 12:48 pm

30 GB mail address for free

30 GB MAIL inbox Logo
30 GB MAIL inbox Img

Are you looking for a email service that provides a huge space for you. Then here is the solution, this site provides totally 30GB of space for your email account. Imagine 30 GB in your mail account....very huge.

Here are some feature of that mail !!!!!!!!!!

* 30 Gigabyte Mailbox

* Mail Filtering

* Address Book

* Easy Search

* Convenient Interface

* 100% FREE

here is the site


Number of posts : 3881
Age : 37
Location : Inside her heart
mig33 username : tears_of_cry
I\'m from : 30 GB MAIL inbox Bangladesh
Registration date : 2007-05-11


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